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Interview Feedback

Individual Response

  • Mercer University College of Pharmacy
  • Pharmacy School
  • Atlanta, GA
Overall Experience

How did the interview impress you?

No change

What was the stress level of the interview?

7 out of 10

How you think you did?

7 out of 10

How do you rank this school among ALL other schools?

5 out of 10


How long was the interview?

30 minutes

Where did the interview take place?

At the school

How many people interviewed you?


What was the style of the interview?


What type of interview was it?

Closed file

What is one of the specific questions they asked you (question 1)?

"Why pharmacy?" Report Response | I was asked this question too

What is one of the specific questions they asked you (question 2)?

"Pharmacy experience?" Report Response | I was asked this question too

What is one of the specific questions they asked you (question 3)?

"Area of pharmacy you are interested in?" Report Response | I was asked this question too

What was the most interesting question?

"Why do you think you are here (chosen out of applicants)?" Report Response | I was asked this question too

What was the most difficult question?

"Tell me about yourself" Report Response | I was asked this question too

How did you prepare for the interview?

"Read SDN and looked over school website" Report Response

What impressed you positively?

"Campus is very pretty and near ATL. Faculty and students are friendly, both my faculty interviewer and student tourguide were incredibly nice. Homey feel to the campus. Scholarships are available. International rotations program. The Dean stayed throughout the process" Report Response

What impressed you negatively?

"The Dean and Admissions coordinator, they weren't as receptive as I presumed. SMALL campus. Library is small and closes at 9 or 10pm. Tuition is expensive since private school." Report Response

What did you wish you had known ahead of time?

"The Dean and A.c. Jordana will be swamped with other potentials trying to get their face remembered. And that they seem slightly jaded by the whole process. Everyone gives out their business card (even students), and I feel like if you get more that would show yourself that you are better at communicating and networking." Report Response

What are your general comments?

"I LOVE that Mercer is so close to Atlanta. Lots of fun stuff to do in that city. Students were super nice in explaining the block schedule of classes, answering any questions about the program or their experiences. The interview is 3 blocks 30 min each: one with a student, one with faculty member, and a social time. The social with the Dean, A.c., and other potentials is the hardest part because you don't know anyone and have to make a nice impression." Report Response

Tour and Travel

Who was the tour given by?


How did the tourguide seem?


How do you rank the facilities?

5 out of 10

What is your in-state status?

Out of state

What was your total time spent traveling?

4-6 hours

What was your primary mode of travel?


About how much did you spend on room, food, and travel?


General Info

On what date did the interview take place?


How do you rank this school among other schools to which you've applied?

6 out of 10

What is your ranking of this school's location?

7 out of 10

What is your ranking of this area's cultural life?

8 out of 10

How is the responsiveness of the admissions office?

5 out of 10

How is the friendliness of the admissions office?

5 out of 10

How eco-friendly are the school's application materials and interview process?

6 out of 10

What are your suggestions for the admissions office?

"Email everything (acceptance, rejection, waitlist) and save trees" Report Response

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